RD Five Panel boards


After Sales




Price & Quality

Our Company was founded to provide  a unique service to the Philippine Electrical  Community. Our goal and vision is to provide  our customer with superior products as well  as the technical expertise for proper  application and service of all electrical  equipment.

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Our Philosophy

Satisfaction guarantee

Our Philosophy

Our employees are our vital resource. We hire people for a lifetime career through continuous education. We use knowledge as a company foundation to attain technological skills. This is our company’s competitive advantage. This know how motivates us to accomplish projects that will be the milestone and breakthrough in the global industrial market.

We are committed to provide products that are cost effective, safe and reliable. Our business security is our ability to offer the best solutions to our customer’s problems.

Above all, our trust in God will be our guidance to enlighten our wisdom. Together we pray, create our future, and pride in the way we think.

Our Clients


Low & Medium Voltage Switchgears
Motor Control Centers
Panel boards
Wire ways & Cable Trays
Automatic transfer switch
Manual transfer switch
Capacitor Banks
Synchronizing Panels


Low & Medium Voltage Switchgears
Motor Control Centers
Panel boards
Wire ways & Cable Trays
Automatic Transfer Switch
Manual Transfer Switch
Capacitor Banks
Synchronizing Panels